Looking for air cargo services in Delhi? We provide the best air freight services in India at economical prices. It is Delhi based company situated in south Delhi.
Airfreight means transportation of your goods from one destination to another destination through an airplane. It's an expensive mode of transport in comparison to Train Freight or Surface freight but it's the most reliable mode of transportation. Most of the companies depend on air cargo services because it's the safest and fastest route of forwarding goods and meet the deadline of the customers.
Delhi Cargo & Courier Services (DCCS) is a known logistics company in Delhi that provides cost-effective air freight services. We have a network all over India and have offices at major airports. DCCS maintains the highest quality of work and offers the best services at a minimal price. Our experienced team provides guidance to our customers throughout the process. DCCS provides international and domestic services all over India at the best possible rates. Our cargo services are available 24*7 and we accept cargo consignments anytime and anywhere in India and provide ensured on-time delivery.
Delhi Cargo Services is an expert in logistics services. Our trained team picks up the package from the desired destination and does the packaging according to the material and prevents damage and delivers cargo to the desired location at a given time. We also deliver perishable goods and our team takes care of the hygiene of the product as per the instructions of our clients. We believe in building strong relationships with our clients with our quality services.
DCCS provide the next day guaranteed delivery service through the air, Cargo Vans, Trucks and delivers urgent cargo the next day on the desired
Destination. Next-day shipping services are fast, reliable, and reach the destination on time no matter the size of the parcel.
Air cargo services is the first choice for many industries like automotive, construction, electronics, and many more. 30% of trade is made through flight every year in India. Domestic freight is affordable and reliable, it is key in supporting international trade. Each year, Trillions of USD worth of goods are transported. It is the best logistics solution for high-value and low-volume shipments. Here are some reasons for choosing air freight over Train cargo and Road cargo.
Do you have urgency of moving your goods? Without a doubt, air freight is the best alternative in comparison to sea, road, or railway. It has an unmatched speed, it is suitable for the goods which have urgency to be delivered at the desired destination like perishable goods which do not have a long life. Air cargo can not be substituted with any other mode of transportation when it comes to speed.
Even if you missed a flight it does not mean waiting an additional day like a railway. flights run every hour in major cities so even if you have missed a flight you can catch another. Tracking your packages with air fright is easier than railway or freight, as your packages can be anywhere until it reaches the major hub. Flights take off every hour on average.
If you want to avoid unnecessary costs of packaging, warehousing, and insurance, it is your answer. Usually, it requires less heavy packaging than other logistics solutions. As the fastest and reliable mode of transportation, it decreases the need for local warehousing, and insurance premiums are also lesser.
freight corporations and airports take security and tracking seriously, as airport field safety and security is a high priority. Merchandise shipped by air freight endure minimum handling, not like railway that makes it the safest shipping possibility. Goods over the airport cleared at intervals hours, which reduces the danger of harm and thievery.
Air shipment has a global reach, you can send your goods almost anywhere. It is the most suitable logistics solution for international trade as it has no limitations of seas, mountains and forest do not obstruct.
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